New York City Blood Drive

There is an emergency blood shortage in New York City
The need for blood is critical this summer. Join us as we make a difference and save lives! ALL BLOOD TYPES ARE NEEDED. Your donation can go towards impacting the lives of up to 3 patients!
Click here to schedule your appointment today! Please be sure to eat and drink fluids before donating. You must bring a picture ID. NYBC Donor cards will help expedite the process.
If you have questions on medical eligibility, please call 1-800-688-0900 or click a topic below for a list of restrictions.
Medical conditions, Travel restrictions 1, Medication restrictions
You may donate if you are at least 17- years old (16 years old with written consent from a parent or legal guardian). Click Here for Parental Consent Form. Donors age 76 and older can donate blood if they meet all eligibility criteria and present a physician's letter allowing them to donate. Donors must weigh at least 110 pounds, and be in good health. All tattoos must be older than 12 months.
Thank you for saving lives with New York Blood Center and Ryan Health!