News | Announcement
Ryan Health Executive Director receives the 2018 Philip W. Brickner, MD, Advocacy Award

Ryan Health's very own Charles Shorter, Executive Director for Ryan Health | Adair and Frederick Douglass, received the 2018 Community Health Care Association of New York State Philip W. Brickner, MD, Advocacy Award. This award honors someone who works (or has worked) as an advocate and champion for the medical needs of those who are homeless and vulnerable.
Charles has over 25 years of experience dedicated to health and social services, including sixteen years as a staff member of Ryan Health, nine of them as Executive Director. Charles works tirelessly to serve the Harlem community, including weekends where he often leads community health outreach efforts to make health care services accessible to individuals who otherwise would not get care.
This includes promoting HIV testing and prevention efforts, cardiovascular disease management in a population disproportionately affected, and mental health services for disenfranchised populations. He has recently launched Harlem Heals to encourage comprehensive physical and mental wellness in the community. Throughout his career, Charles has been a leader in fighting HIV and AIDS in New York City, particularly focused on the African American community.
Charles is a Board Member of several community-based organizations and has also been the Community Co-Chair of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene s HIV Health and Human Services Council. He is the Co-Chair of the New York State Department of Health, AIDS Institute s Faith Communities project Manhattan Region.
Charles often says that he is grateful for the opportunity to do the work he does, which his faith calls him to do.