Dental services are resuming at Ryan Health, after being on hold due to COVID-19. We’re ready to welcome you back for checkups and cleanings! We have made some necessary changes to keep you safe.
First, when you arrive at any Ryan Health center you will have your temperature checked and asked to use a hand sanitizer. You must wear a mask while in the building.
Due to COVID-19, we are no longer using our ultrasonic cleaning equipment, because the water sprays droplets around the room. Instead, we are using manual scalers to remove plaque — you might remember this technique from before the use of ultrasonic equipment became widespread. It is just as effective in cleaning your teeth.
We are also currently working to expand our service offerings to include fillings and we hope to have the necessary equipment in place to provide this service safely in the near future.
You may experience a slightly longer wait time to get an appointment. We always disinfect each room between appointments. Due to COVID-19, we must wait an additional 15 minutes between patients so the aerosol droplets in the room dissipate. This will reduce the number of patients we can see each day.
“Your safety is most important,” says Robert Tasca, DDS, Director of Dental and Radiology. “We want you to know what steps we’re taking so you’re comfortable about scheduling your dental appointment. Don’t neglect your teeth during the pandemic!”
Dental Service details:
- Dental services begin at Ryan Health | NENA and Ryan Chelsea-Clinton on Monday, June 22.
- Dental services begin at Ryan Health | West 97th Street on Monday, June 29.
- Dental services for Ryan Health | Adair will resume shortly, but patients needing service are welcome at our West 97th Street, Ryan Chelsea-Clinton, and NENA centers.
Please schedule your appointments as you always did, either through the MyCare Portal or by calling 212-749-1820.