Receive $100 Gift Card for First Vaccination
The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) and the Fund for Public Health NYC (FPHNY) are partnering with Ryan Health | Frederick Douglass to increase access to COVID -19 vaccinations and primary care in Harlem. COVID-19 had a devastating impact on Harlem residents, and affected residents with chronic conditions, such as hypertension and diabetes, even more. The partnership’s goal is to increase access to both primary care services to manage chronic conditions and COVID-19 vaccine to protect against infection.
COVID-19 vaccines are being offered at Ryan Health | Frederick Douglass (located at 2381 Frederick Douglass Boulevard) both by appointment and on a walk-in basis, no insurance necessary, and there is no cost to you.
How Do I Qualify for a $100 Gift Card
Individuals who receive their first vaccination through the program will be eligible for a $100 pre-paid debit card that they will receive directly from the City.
When you come in for your first vaccine, you will also receive the following screenings:
- Are you connected to a usual provider of medical care? Otherwise, we will offer you an appointment for a primary care visit.
- Blood pressure: we will check your blood pressure and recommend a follow-up appointment if it is high.
- Diabetes: we will screen to see if are at risk of diabetes and recommend a follow-up appointment if you are at increased risk.
- Depression or loneliness: we will ask you some questions to see if are experiencing depression or loneliness and recommend a follow-up appointment if you are experiencing those symptoms.
- Social Needs: we will also check to see if you need any help getting social services such as food, housing, or transportation assistance and offer you a referral to available resources.
How do I make a COVID-19 vaccine appointment?
To receive a first COVID-19 vaccine through this program and be eligible for the $100 pre-paid debit card, book an appointment through the NYC site https://vax4nyc.nyc.gov/patient/s/, nyc.gov/vaccinefinder, or call 877-VAX4NYC (877-829-4692).
Note: The City will send you the $100 pre-paid debit card after you receive your first vaccine and complete the screenings, Ryan Health | Frederick Douglass does not give out the debit cards.
If you already received your first vaccine dose at an eligible site and you would like to pick up your $100 pre-paid debit card in person, please see further instructions at nyc.gov/vax100pickup.