Meg Gramins has been on the Board of Directors of Ryan Chelsea-Clinton (RCC) for six years, as well as the Board of Directors of Ryan Health for five years, serving as the Chair of the Development Committee. She also serves on the Finance, Strategic Planning and Compliance Committees. She holds master’s degrees in Business Administration and Public Health, and she is an Executive Director with J.P. Morgan, managing service teams that assist Innovation Economy clients of the Commercial Bank. During her free time, Meg likes to volunteer for her alma mater, Georgetown University, spend time with friends, and travel.
When and how did you first get involved with Ryan Health and Ryan Chelsea-Clinton (RCC)?
I first joined the board of RCC in 2016 after being introduced to the organization through fellow Board member Phillip Chen. Philip and I were classmates in an Executive MPH program at Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health, and he knew that I was interested in gaining experience in public health and putting our degrees to use. I then joined the Board of Ryan Health the following year as our bylaws require a certain number of Board members to serve on the boards of both organizations.
What is your role as Chair of our Development Committee?
My role is to help Ryan Health increase its fundraising efforts and donations from private sources. I do this by leading efforts among the Board to increase our own giving to Ryan Health; by assisting our Head of Development in outreach efforts; and by promoting the great work that Ryan Health does in my personal and professional networks.
In your opinion, what is the most important work Ryan does?
The most important work that Ryan Health does is the quality care that it provides to our communities in New York City. That is fundamental to what we do, and we ensure that everyone who walks through our doors or engages with us through a telehealth visit is treated with dignity and respect as we address their needs, whether they be medical in nature or impacting their overall health and well-being.
Why do you volunteer? Donate?
I volunteer and donate because giving of my time, talent, and treasure is an expectation that was set and shaped by my parents and my faith tradition, and I believe that we each have a role to play in contributing to the communities in which we live. Personally, this has also been a great way to understand the challenges and impact of public health, allowing me the opportunity to leverage what I learned in the classroom and applying it in a practical way.
What do you hope Ryan Health will achieve in the near Future? In the long term?
I hope that Ryan Health will continue to expand the services that we can offer to our patients. Long term, I’d like Ryan Health to provide its quality care to patients located in more parts of New York City, especially in those locations where there is not easy access to care.
Is there anything else you want to say about Ryan Health?
I think it’s important to recognize and celebrate the way Ryan Health has pivoted during the Covid-19 pandemic to continue to provide care to our patients, and to assist our communities with access to testing and vaccines. Our team members have experienced a lot of stress over these two years, and we really appreciate their commitment to our patients.
And I hope to see you at our Gala in June 2022!