The single most important decision new parents will make is what and how to feed their baby. And while relatives and friends can offer advice, making an informed decision that considers the health of mom and baby may require additional resources. Ryan Health WIC is here to help support you in that decision process.
Having a new-born is hard no matter what. And while breastfeeding can be challenging in the very beginning as you and your baby learn the process, it quickly becomes easier to do than bottle feeding. Formula feeding involves mixing, storing, cleaning, shopping, and preparing. Breastfeeding does not! And even better, breastmilk is FREE! Formula can be very costly.
Aside from being the most convenient and economical food source, breastmilk is the healthiest option. It has nutritional and health benefits that include:
- antibodies
- hormones
- anti-viruses
- anti-allergens
- anti-parasites
- growth factors and
- enzymes
The benefits of breastfeeding stay throughout a person’s whole life! These benefits include less chance of developing asthma, diabetes, lung infections, ear infections, some cancers, and obesity. Formula provides calories and nutrients needed for growth. It does not offer any health advantages over breastmilk. Breastmilk is, and will always be, the preferred food for babies.
Our WIC Team has nutrition and breastfeeding experts on staff who are available to explore what is best for you and your baby. Our team of experts include registered dietitians and certified lactation experts. In addition, our peer counselors support moms throughout pregnancy and delivery.
Ryan Health WIC is here to help you be the best mom that you can be. August is breastfeeding month and a perfect time to start or continue the conversation about how best to feed your baby.
Call us to set up a WIC appointment at one of our two Ryan Health locations: Women & Children’s on the Upper West Side at 212-865-0410; or NENA on the Lower East Side at 212-477-8846.
Healthy babies grow to be healthy adults!
Contributed by Helene Rosenhouse-Romeo, RD, CDN, CLC, MPH and Barbara Brumaru, MS, RD, CDN, IBCLC